I'm standing here clueless. I lost my spring. Two weeks ago life was fine, weather great and me and J took a long walk looking for signs of spring (except the perfectly blue sky, the WARM sun and all the birds singing). I was so happy I had to do a page about it, it's an attempt to a clean and simple look. It's done for
1WorldScrap's last newsletter using a lovely sketch by

Now, this is what it looks like. Well it looked like this twenty minutes ago. By now I guess there is even more snow.

Sorry, but I am NOT HAPPY about this. I guess a cold glass of white wine and som scrap time could make me in a better mood. Soon. *lol*
This makes me in a good mood too. Looking at dear son having his birthday cake.

And this:

A night at the LSS with the lovely DT ladies. Lot's of fun!!!
Have a beautiful weekend! (we will be having snow).
Hahaha vilket kort!!!
Ja visst hade vi kul! Och du kan verkligen snabb-scrappa, fattar inte hur du kunde hinna med din fina layout på så kort tid! By the way, kortet är lagt på lådan ... :))
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