Yesterday I met up with two friends in Stockholm: Pia (StrawberryPia) and Irene (Scrapperlicious). It was an amazing day. It was such a wonderful thing to meet them in real life! They are such fun and sweet persons and the time went by far to quickly!
We dedicated the day to the beautiful art of scrapbook shopping and scrapbook talking. We went to Skapa Hobby and Papprika and put our feet inside the door of Matton five minutes before closing time (after a RUSH from the metro... I have long legs, they don't... lol).
I got this gorgeous purse card with a lovely bracelet from Irene. THANK YOU!!!

It was really sad to say goodbye, but Irene has promised to host us next time we visit Malaysia. :) Love you!!! And I truly hope we will meet again!!!
looks like you all had a great time and the little purse is absolutely gorgeous!
Åh vad roligt att ni fick en trevlig dag tillsammans!! Blir lite sotis, men det funkade bara inte för mig att ta en tripp till Stockholm just nu.
Måste ju få gratulera dig också till ditt nya DT uppdrag! Otroligt kul och väl förjänt!
Tack Tesa för en jätterolig dag! Jag håller med om allt du skriver! We ha a fantastic day!!! Vi måste slå slag i saken och croppa ihop!! Kram Pia
Vilken ljuvlig helg!!!! Jag är avundsjuk:-))
Jag kan inte, för allt i världen, förstå varför jag inte hittat till dig förut! Du gör så sjukt mycket snyggt! Och jag tackar verkligen scrapopol för att jag hittade hit :D Wow, du är grym!!
Heehee! That's so cute of you to post that pic of me and Pia! Glad you liked that little gift and I've enjoyed so much meeting you gals! Thank you very much!
What a fun picture!! Looks like you had so much fun. The purse card is soooo cute!!
oh I am sooo unbelieveably jealous! LOL just kidding!
I'm sooo glad you gals had a great time! I hope you got more pics and wil make more pager! I love the one you did!!! CUTIE purse too! ;)
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