I couldn't get a decent photo so finally I simply gave up. The photos are from Bintz and our refreshing walk on the beach, clensing our eyes and souls after our visit to Prora.
This is a birthday card for my dad. This is also my entry for this week's round of Scrapopoly on the Scrappa.com forum. My task this week was to participate in a challenge over at Ismaki - which turned out to be a sketch and the use of pearls. Never been at Ismaki before, but it was really great - beautiful sketches!

de superbes cartes
bizz Mu
Your cards are gorgeous!
2 wirklich tolle Karten und tolle Farben.
Det blåa kortet är helt fantastiskt!! Gillar hela kompositionen och blomstämpeln är pricken över i! Kram Pia
Vilka tjusiga kort! Du är så duktig på att scrappa.
Hoppas du har en bra dag.
Kram Elzie
Det blå kortet... är såååå underbart vackert!!!
Själv har jag så svårt att "få till" något med blått, så jag beundrar er som kan!
wow! Gorgeous stuffs! You've been busy!
wow! Gorgeous stuffs! You've been busy!
I love your slim cards! my my my they are gorgeous!
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